Monday, July 18, 2011

Question of the Week

Hello!  Our question of the week this week comes from J3 and O19. 

Sometimes people do different things in different summers. So how has you're summer been different from last year's summer? How was it different or how was it the same?
List you're answers below.


A6 said...

My summer was diffrent because I did not swimm. And i went on vacation. i did not thik that i would because my family just bought a house.

A16 said...

This summer I have a little brother. Last summer I didn't.

M13 said...

This summer was different because I went to Michigan, and it is the same because I go to the pool. I also didn't have to take swim lessons.

A25 said...

It wasn't very different because I swam last summer and thats all I really do.

D7 said...

My summer was different from last year because I didn't have a dog last summer!!!

j27 said...

Mines the same I got hit in allstars last year and this year.:(

Mrs. Sauber said...

Oh, bummer, J27! I hope you are okay! Congratulations on being an All Star, though! :)

J5 said...

Mines not different. I swam and went on vacations. Same as last year. I guess.