Monday, June 20, 2011

Question of the Week

Wow!  Last week was fun!  I really enjoyed hearing about all of the new things you've been up to this summer.  You guys are having so much fun!  :)  That's awesome!  :)  This week's question was written by A16. 

Do you love animals?  I do.  If you could be an animal what would you be?  Why? 

I can't wait to hear what you come up with.  :)  Have fun!  :)


A6 said...

I love monkeys!!!!! I like monkeys because they are funny and cute. Sometimes. They are my favorite animal in the whole entier world!!!!!!!

A16 said...

I would be a squirrel. They are cute and vicious.

H28 said...

I would be a wolf I love them I have one I got in the dells one I stuffed in the dells one I got at the zoo and one with big eyes I got with my grandma I also have 2 webkinz huskies but I call them wolves :)

M13 said...

I would be a snow leopard because they are endangered. Nobody could hunt them or stuff them. They are also fairly near the top of the food chain.

A25 said...

I would be a dolphin because their really good swimmers & I love to swim , but I also would like to be a Leopard because their name is cool & their also an endangered animal to.

L4 said...

I would be a cheetah because I can run so fast and fetch prey easily.

D23 said...

I would probaly want to be an Elephent because they have a really good memmory and I would want to remeber alot of stuff.

J20 said...

I would be a Lion because they are mean, and there territory and fight back too.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Wow! You guys have some great ideas! I think it would be interesting to be an eagle. They are not my favorite animal, but I think it would be an interesting experience to soar high above mountains and rivers. It would almost be like sky diving, without the falling part. :) I don't think I would like the part where I have to hunt for my own food, but gliding, soaring, and seeing the beautiful scenery would be pretty awesome.

J27 said...

I would be a snow rabbit.They have good camoflage in winter and they stay white in winter only. :)