Monday, June 13, 2011

Question of the Week

This week has been a week for new experiences in our house.  Girls on the Run, you inspired me!  I loved running with you all so much last weekend, that this weekend I decided to run my own 5K.  Nathan loves to run, too, so he ran a 1 mile race with Mr. Sauber.  We also took the kids to their first mini-golf course this weekend.  These were all things we had never done before.  Summer time is great for that.  So, that leads me to this week's question of the week.

What is one thing that you have done already or would like to do this summer that you've never done before?  

Maybe your new experience will be to jump off the high dive at the pool, try to cook something you've never made before, join the library summer reading program, fly in an airplane, visit somewhere new, or learn how to play tennis.  I'm excited to hear about the ideas you come up with.  Take care, and as always, I hope you are having a wonderful summer! 


D23 said...

My first web book ever in all the summers thier were. I finished my book on like the fifth.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Wow!!! That's impressive! It must have been a good book! I'm still working hard to finish the class I'm taking this summer. I'm about half way done. :) You're inspiring me to get to work, D23! :)

H28 said...

The thing I'm gonna try to do this summer is try to bend my leg enough so I don't have to get a splint cast that we cranke everyday to bend my leg or a machine that does that it''s as scary as it sounds I'm scared and crying out of my wits hope you guys are still having a great summer!

A16 said...

I'm reading my first summer web book!

Mrs. Sauber said...

Okay, I have another new experience to share with you. Today I got to use a power sander and sand the kids' swing set. That was a new one for me. A lot of work, but kind of fun! :)

j27 said...

I got attacked by my dog but I'm ok.Its new because he never attacked a human.

D23 said...

Thanks it was about a baseball player named Roberto Clemente.

D23 said...

Mrs. Sauber I have tried useing a sander with my dad and my hand felt so weird when I used it. Your hands vibrate.

M13 said...

I want to go to Michigan and go se the Henry Ford Mueseam, and the airzoo.I am gelping to plan it out.

B2 said...

Go diving with my sister off of some bridg into lake Michigan.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Oh, my! So many new experiences!!! J27, I hope you are okay! A dog attack sounds really scary. D23, you are right. My hands almost felt numb. M13, what's the air zoo? That sounds really interesting. B2, be careful! Thanks to all of you for posting. It is so fun to hear what you are up to!!! Okay, now I'm off to stain the play set....Another new experience. This should be interesting! :)

m13 said...

The Air Zoo is a place in Michigan that has things like a spacewalk, a flight simulator, and a paratrooper jump off a 2 story building.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Oh, that just sounds awesome!

Mrs. Sauber said...

D7 said, "I'm going to help my Dad with splitting wood with the wood splitter.". D7, be sure to be careful! :)

J27 said...

I would like to save more animals and so far not very good .I saved 3 fish from dyeing from being out of water but they were my 3 goldfish that jumped out of the tank.I also cleaned the pond for ducks or geese in the park but it still gets dirty.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Wow! Way to go J27! You are always thinking of ways to make the earth a better place. I'm so proud of you. Thanks for inspiring us. :)

H28 said...

I went to physical therapy and she said I may need to get the splint cast I'M SCARED!

Mrs. Sauber said...

Just keep doing your best, H28. That's all you can do. Remember, the surgery sounded scary, too, but you made it through beautifully. You can do anything H28. You are awesome!

A25 said...

I want to have a sleepover with my 2 friends this summer from swimming!!! And were already planing it since swim practice is in the morning all our parents drop us of and we all car pool to one of our houses.( we still haven't figured out who's house were going to stay at!) And then we sleepover and wake up in the morning and carpool to swim practice and then are parents pick us up at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (P.S. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!)
:-) ;-) :-() hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Mrs. Sauber said...

Oh, A25, that sounds like so much fun! I hope you all have a wonderful time! :)

J20 said...

The one thing I did this summer was go to the Woodstock water works. One thing I would like to do this summer is go to the Shedd Aquarium.

A6 said...

Finally i went to KENTUCKY!!!!!!! I just got home and i dont like it! it was the best vacation ever!!! We went toubing, hiking,fishing,and much more!I forgot to say that i went with J5 and are family. My favirt part was going tuobing and going to the waterpark! the waterpark was HUGE!!!!!! Their was 1 that one person had to go down bakwards and the other person had to go forward. Then it would go down and go back and forth. it was really high, it made me and Savannah sick to are stomaks. it was awsome!!!! then toubing was amazing too. I fell off and then Savannah fell off too. It was funny! And it did not hurt!!! I want to go there again with all of them, becouse it was awsome!!!

B2 said...

We just got back and it was atleast 10 feet higher than the high dive but it was worth it.

d15 said...

I would try to beat my brother in ping pong.

S24 said...

I would like to get a animal!!:]