Friday, May 20, 2011

AUGUST Book Choice :)

This summer please complete 1 WEB project.  Read a novel at your level, complete a book diary, write a summary, and do a project.  You may choose between any of the projects we've done this year.  You may do a poster, diorama, or brochure. 

By Wednesday, May 25th, please select your summer WEB book and post it to the Google Doc. 

Your WEB book diary, summary, and project are due the first day of school, August 18th.  Thank you, and happy reading! :)

Post your book choice here.
Battle of the Books 2012 List


M13 said...

Is it possible that I could have the new battle booklist on Monday so I can pick a summer web book?

Mrs. Sauber said...

Absolutely! If you can ask Mrs. J. for it I will post it on the blog for everyone. That's a great idea! :)