Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Parent Volunteers Needed for Be The First

This month we are kicking off Be The First in 4th grade.  Students will be taking an interest survey in school to find out more information about their likes and dislikes.  Upon completion, the survey results will suggest different careers that our students might find interesting.  Students will then research their career further in hopes of helping them set goals for themselves and their future.  On Thursday, March 24th and Friday, March 25th between 12:15-1:15 we need you.  We are looking for volunteers to come to Westwood to share information about their careers for 5-10 minutes.  If you or a family friend or relative are able to help please fill out the form that went home with your child and return it to school by this Friday.  Thank you in advance for your help.  :) 


A25 said...

I think this is a great oportunity to learn about different careers. So bring in a friend or family member who you thinks has an interesting job! Come on guys lets show the whole fourth grade what kind of awesome jobs our friends or family have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

N1 said...

what if your parents cant come in can you ask another adult to come in

Mrs. Sauber said...

Yep. You can ask a parent, relative, family member, family friend, anyone who would like to share their career with the fourth graders. You can even ask more than one person if you'd like. The more presenters we have, the more careers we get to learn about. :)

J27 said...

If my cousin wants to can he talk to the class he works at Walmart as an auto guy.

Mrs. Sauber said...

Absolutely, J27!! That would be really interesting. Lots of kids love cars, and I'm sure they would love to hear about a job they can do that has to do with cars.

d23 said...

I will not get to bring anyone because i am leaving to go to disney on thursday.

H28 said...

My nana is going to come to talk about her computer job will that help us with our experiment?

N21 said...

my dad couldn't sign the slip the paper cause he is a fireman and works in des plains. so mrs sauber what can i do

Mrs. Sauber said...

No worries, N21. Have your dad sign it this weekend and turn it in Monday, please.