Friday, March 18, 2011

Fun Fair!

It was so great to see all of you at the Fun Fair tonight!  I hope you had fun.  :)  The bouncy house room was definitely a favorite for my kiddos.  I think my favorite part was seeing all of you having fun with your families and friends.  How about you guys?  What was your favorite part of the Fun Fair? 


j27 said...

I loved doing the basketball in Mrs.Dearing

D15 said...

My favorite part of the fun fair was when I threw pie's at people's faces.

T14 said...

My favorite part of the funfair was throughing pies at Mr.Welsons face!Or was that him?I don't know because he was covored in pie! :)

N21 said...

My favorite part of the fun fair was the pie throwing! I loved the fun fair.

L4 said...

My favorite part of the fun fair was the cotton candy, and the opsticle course thing.

S24 said...

My favorite part about the Fun Fair was the jummpies they were really fun. I went their with my friend and we went in together and we jumped all around.

J20 said...

It was so cooler then last year. They had jumpes that you can do enething in it.

T26 said...

well i never been to the fun fair and i might go next year and i think i will have lots of fun with my brother and my mom/dad. So i hope i get a basket!