Monday, March 7, 2011

Class Book Ideas

We are getting ready to start our class book.  Please post ideas for our book in the comments section.  :) 


T14 said...

what about we pull together all our memorys and make a title of our past??What do you think Mrs.Sauber?Good idea or bad idea?

H28 a.k.a. Dog Freak!!! said...

What if we thought about what life would be like if we were a dog then we could draw a picture of us as a dog and write about our life from dogs eye view

J5 said...

i think it's a cool idea.

B22 said...

I think a cool idea would be what job would you want in the future because you all have great ideas for what you want to be in the future.

H28 a.k.a. dog freak and pet keeper said...

I also think we could talk about are pets or are wanna-be pets if we don't have any because I've done a book about me and my family already!

T26 said...

what i think is to put all of the keys like honest,helpful and other ones and pull them together and make it 8 keys to be a better me

a9 said...

I think that we could do a book called if i were a animal.What do you think about that?I have another one to it could be if i had supper powers.But you could only choose 3 powers.For the animals idea but we could only be 1 animal and you would have to tell us 3 good reasons why you like the animal and why you chose it.

A25 said...

I like H28 idea, but lets expand our thinking and do a book all about different kinds of animals so our reader will go "ooo I like how this book looks why don't I check it out." and that I think it will be fun for our reader to learn somthing new on every page about a new animal and say " I want to read all of this classes future books because of how cool they are." Thats why I think we should do a class book on a bunch of different animals.

N21 said...

I think it would be cool to do a book about eachother what do you guys think?

L4 said...

For a class book idea a good one is When your grown up what would your house look like.

N18 said...

I think we could do a book about everyone's dream vacation

Anonymous said...

We could pot our favrot sports.

J27 said...

I think it would be cool to see what we would look like if we were animals.

D7 said...

We could draw what we would look like in 30 or 35 years.

N21 said...

I think we should have the class book about are favorite things and draw a picture of ourselves.

J3 said...

i think we should make a book of what movie we'd be in if we were famous or maybe what would you do if you won the mega millions lottery

J3 said...

maybe a book about a made up monster

d23 said...

I think we can do a book about the big bad bully and the three little nerds. Why am i saying that because it would be cool to have a class book that everybody could laugh at. It would have lots of humor, and lots of big laughs. We just need to brain storm lots of funny stuuf before we put something that might not be that funny.

d23 said...

we should all post all of our ideas and vote for a book that we all really like.

N1 said...

we should do the day kids became adults or if i would choose to be any thing in the world i would be..... we could do something like that

Mr. and Mrs. J27 said...

What if you did a book about your favorite foods.