Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Electronic Literature Circles

Today in our classroom we worked with a program called Schoology. Schoology is a Learning management System (LMS) which is essentially an online classroom. Students can view assignments created by their teacher and complete those assignments on the Schoology Website.  

While the Schoology program has many features, we will be using it for Digitial Literature Circles. Students will be using the assignment section and the discussion session to complete their daily Literature Circle tasks. Students will post their work and then be required to read the work of their group members and respond. The virtual classroom is private to our members.  At this time we will not be uploading any documents or utilizing any of the gradebook features.  

Today students created accounts and created a password. We discussed internet safety and how to write appropriate posts.  The students seem very excited to utilize this learning platform for their novel studies. 

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