Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November, A Time to be Thankful

The month of November gives us a wonderful time to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for in our lives.  What are you thankful for and why?  Stretch yourself to come up with gratitude for something that cannot be purchased in a store.  (Required: Write 1-2 sentences including a main idea and a supporting detail.  Challenge: Use rich vocabulary, 10 word sentences, and 3rd level elaboration.)


EB3 said...

I am thankful for my family because without my family I would not have learned all that I have learned. Also my family is always there to help me up when I fall.

D.L.15 said...

Im thankful for my famly becus whout them I wold be an orfin and anyone cold tack me.And i coldent go to scool or tack a bus i wold have no money to buy food so i wold live on the street a beg for shelter,food,and mony.

Jack said...

One thing I am thankful for is my family ( including my animals). Without family who would you be? Who would take care of you? Who would help you when you are struggling through hard times? Family pulls us all together. Also, when you are the family, you feel proud of yourself for caring for other people and being kind. That is what I am thankful for.

kayla said...

I am thankful that I am alive and healthy and that I have an amazing teacher(Mrs.Sauber!e

L10 said...

I am thankful for my family because without them I wouldn't be here. Another reason that I am thankful for my family is that they help me to be my best everywhere I go.

JB1 said...

I am thank full for friends because they are forgiving funny
and nice.

Lizbeth said...

I am thankful for my heart is being a nice girl and playing with my pet bird. And bing nice to my family to and be happy with my teacher ( Mrs.Saubere) to

Kristen Sauber said...

I'm thankful for everything I have because I'm lucky some people have nothing and I have a lot more to be thankful for so were all really lucky by savannah

Kristen Sauber said...

Savannah said I'm thankful for everything I have because I'm lucky some people have nothing and I have a lot more to be thankful for so were all really lucky!

shelby said...

my famely loves me i don,t know what i would do no when would tack care of me when im hurt

Cool girl 18 said...
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Jeff said...

I am thankful for family because with out a family you would have nobody to take care of you or a place to live.

MRK 100 said...

I am thankful for my family that makes me laugh and they comfort when I am sad and take care of me and that's what I am thankful for.

Trey said...

TS23, I am thankful for my family, because if I didn't have a broyher, a mom, a dad, I would just be sad the rest of my life and I would be homeless so, that's why I'm thankful.

Mac said...

One thing i am thankful for is friends and family because there are always there for whenever when you need a hand

CMM said...

I am thankful for my family and friends and that I'm healthy. I think family is The most important thing with out them I would be nothing I couldn't go to school I wouldn't have my dog or anything. They always support me. There always there to catch me. This is what I'm thankful for.

alexis said...

alexis said.......
I am thankful for having a cool
teacher and have my family there
when I am hurt I don't know what
I would do with out them,and I would not of laerned what I know.

nr 22 said...

I am thankfull for how smart i am.I am happy that i have lots of frinde's and family.

K.T 25 said...

I am thankfull for my family because they always help me when I need it also because when I go to my grandma and Papa's they make me laugh all the time.