Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Giving Back

We are so lucky to have several opportunities to give back during this holiday season.  Please talk with your family some time over this Thanksgiving weekend to see if you can donate to one of the following fundraisers we have going on at Westwood right now.

Project Mistle-Toes is led by friends of Hope Fuller that carry on her memory and effort to bring joy to kids spending their holidays in the hospital.  Bring in a new pair of holiday-themed socks and drop them in the lime green laundry basket in the office.  Mrs. Deering's 1st grade class is keeping track of the total number of socks we have collected on the bulletin board in the hallway.

The Westwood Food Train is a campaign every holiday season to collect non-perishable food items for Christmas Clearinghouse.  These items will be distributed to families in need in the Woodstock area before the winter holidays.  The Woodstock Police Explorers are helping us this year as they bring in boxes and deliver the food for us at the end of the drive.  They will also have a K9 demonstration for the classroom that brings in the most food!

Our very own Emma Bremer organized a coin drive to go to the Red Cross as they help the tornado victims down in Washington, IL.  We will collect coins from now until the week before winter break.

Westwood always does so much to help so many.  I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful long weekend together as we reflect on all we have to be thankful for in our lives.

Homefun 11-27-13

Read 20 min.each day
Be sure you are finished reading your WEB book by the end of the weekend
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

**I apologize for not having the Shining Stars photo up for this week or last week.  Our classroom recording sheet got a little jumbled and the team members are not clear.  We will start fresh next week and hopefully have a photo up on Friday of next week.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Homefun 11-25-13

Read 20
Xtramath 2 times this week
Finish reading WEB book before Thanksgiving break
Early Dismissal Wed.
No chorus Wed.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Shining Star team for week of November 22nd

Here is a picture of the students that made this week's Star Student Team!  These students listened in class, worked hard and helped to make our classroom a productive learning environment. Keep up the grat work!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homefun 11-20-13

Read 20 min.
Sp due tomorrow
Sp test Friday
4th Grade music concert tomorrow- Be here at 5:40

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WWE Mrs. Sauber's Class TV 11-19-13

Homefun 11-19-13

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Sp packet due Thursday

Sp test Friday

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homefun 11-18-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Sp packet due Thursday
Sp test Friday
4th grade music concert Thursday at 6:00 pm

Friday, November 15, 2013

Homefun 11-15-13

Read 20 min
Xtramath 3 times per week

Shining Stars for 11-15-13

Congratulations to our Shining Stars for the week!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homefun 11-14-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
spooky stories due tomorrow
Grammar due tomorrow
Chess club :)
School store tomorrow

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homefun 11-13-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Spooky stories due Friday
Grammar packets due Friday 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homefun 11-12-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Late start tomorrow 
Grammar packet due Friday

Friday, November 8, 2013

Homefun 11-8-13

Read 20 min- start your new WEB book
Xtramath 3 times per week
No school Monday
Book orders due Tuesday

Shining Stars 11-8-13

Congratulations to our Shining Stars this week!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homefun 11-6-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
WEB contract due Friday
Book orders due Tuesday
Sp packets due Friday
Sp test Friday

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homefun 11-5-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Halloween candy donations
Spelling packet due Friday
Spelling test Friday
Book orders due Tuesday

November Book Orders

November book orders went home today!  (We love book order day.)  If you would like to place an order please visit our class page,, to place your order electronically.  Our classroom code is GTVXG.  If you are unable to place your order on-line, you can also send in your order, accompanied by a check made out to Scholastic Book Orders.  If you would like your order to remain a surprise for the holidays, please let me know.  I can hold them here until you can pick them up.  Thank you!

November, A Time to be Thankful

The month of November gives us a wonderful time to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for in our lives.  What are you thankful for and why?  Stretch yourself to come up with gratitude for something that cannot be purchased in a store.  (Required: Write 1-2 sentences including a main idea and a supporting detail.  Challenge: Use rich vocabulary, 10 word sentences, and 3rd level elaboration.)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Homefun 11-1-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
WEB due Monday
4th grade- practice concert songs
5th grade- practice DARE graduation songs (Star Spangled Banner, Seize the Day)

WWE Mrs. Sauber's Class TV

Check out our latest news report on the science experiments we have been doing in class.  Enjoy!


WWE Mrs. Sauber's Class TV

Check out the latest news report oboist Trail of History!