Monday, April 8, 2013


Our final WEB project is due Monday, April 15th (Tax Day!).  One of the goals of 4th grade is to teach our students how to break down larger projects so they can be successful.  Please use the suggested timeline below to help your child pace his/her work.

Mon- Write rough draft of summary
Tues- Write final copy of summary
Wed- Sketch rough draft of project (poster or brochure)- Use yellow rubric sent home Friday to help
Thurs- Make project- use yellow rubric to guide you
Fri- Cue cards
Sat & Sun- Practice presentation

On Friday the students learned what is expected for either a poster or a brochure.  A sample brochure was sent home with specific directions for what is to be included.  Please remind your child to use this as he/she creates his/her brochure.  Brochures may be hand made or created on the computer.

If your child chooses to do a poster, please help them to select a topic.  This is a common source for confusion in 4th grade.  The poster is not the project, it is simply the media for the project.  Topics might include- explaining the different parts of the heart, teaching different types of poetry, displaying a timeline of the main events of the book (include visuals), research and teach us about the life of your author, research and teach us about a topic related to your book, etc.  If your child is unsure of their topic, please have them run it past me before starting to create the poster.

Your children have learned a lot about summarizing a book, identifying the theme of a book, giving a presentation, and showing a deeper understanding for the literature they read.  My hope is that this final project is a celebration of all they've learned this year.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you!

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