Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Homework 8-31

Read 20
Sp. packet due tomorrow
Math 1-3 Practice B
Finish Titans Graphic organizer
Band/Chorus form

Our Math Book is On-line!

Our red Holt math book has a special website on-line.  Students were given user names and passwords today.  They should be taped inside the 1st page of their assignment notebooks.  Students can go to this link, enter their username and password, and view tutorials and examples to help them with their homework.  This link is also located on the right, under "Our favorite links".  I hope this is a helpful resource for you this year!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Homework 8-30

  • Read 20 and book diary
  • Xtramath
  • Math 1-2 Prac B or PS
  • Sp due Thurs.
  • Finish paper plate
  • Sign and return new camping form

Spelling Practice

Our Spelling City homepage has been updated with this week's list.  You can play these games and take practice tests to help you study your words.  You can access this site with the link on the right under "Our Favorite Links."

Remember the Titans

Last week we watched the movie, Remember the Titans.  After viewing the movie the students were asked to write an "exit slip" showing what they took away from the movie.  Above is a "word cloud" showing all of the students' responses.  The more a word is repeated, the larger it appears in the cloud.  As you can see, the kids did a great job pulling out some of the important themes of the movie.  This week we are going to write an essay showing what we learned about leadership from the movie. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Congratulations Box Top Collectors!

In our 1st month of school (all 9 days! :))  our school collected 1,306 box tops!  Our class collected the most box tops with a grand total of 362!  Those box tops really add up.  That's already $130 for our school in just 9 days.  Thank you so much for all of your collecting.  Please continue to ask grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and friends to collect for us.  This money makes a big difference.  Thank you! 

Homework 8-29

Read 20
Sp packet due Thurs.
Sp test Fri
Math 1-1 Practice B or PS
Finish writing the words and definitions for science little book (6 total) 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Homework 8-26

  • Read 20
  • Xtramath
  • Boy tents needed

Golden Key Club

This week was a week for learning.  Below is our Golden Key Club picture for this week.  This week's Golden Key Club was a bit different.  We talked a lot this week about the fact that the classroom and teacher are the same, but the expectations for 5th grade are different from last year.  We used this week as a "practice week".  Students still received checks when they made a mistake, however, they didn't count for Golden Key Club.  If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call or send me an e-mail. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tents Needed

As the paperwork for camping has been coming in, we are in good shape for volunteers and girl's tents, but we are still in need of quite a few boy's tents.  If you are a parent of a boy in our room and you have a tent that your child can use, please jot me a note and let me know.  If not, please ask relatives and friends to see if there might be one for the boys to use.  Thank you so much for your help!  :) 

Homework 8-25

  • Read 20

  • New WEB due tomorrow

  • Xtra math\

  • Math worksheet

  • Camping due tomorrow

  • Bring/wear your favorite shoe for art tomorrow

  • Wear Westwood wear tomorrow

  • Thursday folder

  • Volunteers Needed

    Our class is in need of a copy parent who would be able to come in one day a week to copy and help prepare materials.  Also, we are in need of a computer parent to come in during our computer time from 9:50-10:20 on Thursdays starting next week.  If you are interested in helping with one of these two jobs, please post below.  Thank you so much for all of the offers to help!  We are in good shape now.  :)  I will post as more volunteer opportunities arise.  Thank you!  :)  

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Homework 8-24

    • Read 20
    • New WEB due Friday
    • xtra math
    • Math worksheet
    • Camping packet due Friday
    • DARE Family Talk
    • Chorus Sign up sheets

    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Homework 8-23

    • Read 20
    • Xtramath
    • New WEB book due Friday
    • Camping due Friday
    • DARE letter
    • Band Permission

    Monday, August 22, 2011

    Homework 8-22

    • Read 20
    • WEB book choice due Friday
    • Camping packet due Friday
    • We are watching Remember the Titans this week.  Please let Mrs. Sauber know if your child can't watch it.

    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    We Love Our Neighborhood Bookstore!

    N17's Mom just informed me that Read Between the Lynes has a special shelf in the bookstore where you can find the Battle of the Books books.  This might make it very easy if you are looking for your next WEB book.  Take care, and happy shopping! 

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    Reading is Sweet!

    Our first official WEB project was due this week.  The students will be presenting their projects and summaries next week.  Please check out the WEB tab on the right side of the blog.  It has the guidelines and due dates for the WEB projects for 5th grade. 

    Homework 8-19

    • Read 20
    • Be prepared to present your book project next week
    • Choose your next WEB book by next Friday
    • Finish goal flowers by Monday

    Golden Key Club 8-18

    Below is our Golden Key Club picture for the week.  It was a great start to what promises to be a wonderful year!  :)

    Our First Day Assembly

    This year at our first day of school assembly Mr. Ross invited our class to teach the school about the 8 keys of excellence.  The students worked with Mr. Ross to organize their presentation and did a fabulous job presenting the keys.  What a great way to show what fabulous leaders our 5th graders can be at Westwood. 

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Homework 8-18

    • Read 20
    • Check the blog for Back to School night information
    • Complete "Follow me by e-mail" on the blog
    • 2 hour parent pledge
    • Goals graphic organizer
    • Book project
    • Mrs. Jensen's reading log
    • xtramath
    • Parent Handbook form
    • Thursday folder
    • Boxtops

    Welcome Back!

    Welcome back!  It's been a great 1st day of school so far.  :)  The kids are energized, excited, and ready to go.  :)  Please remember to check the Back to School Packet information on the right side of the blog.  I did not send a packet home this year in an effort to conserve paper. 

    Please remember to type your e-mail address into the "Follow me by e-mail" box on the right side of the blog.  This will send you a daily e-mail letting you know if new information has been posted to the blog. 

    Thank you!

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    Back to School Night

    Back to School Night is Wednesday, August 17th.  Classrooms open at 5:30.  I will be giving a brief presentation at 5:40 to share some information specific to 5th grade.  After that students will be able to label, put away, and organize their supplies.  Mr. Ross will be giving presentations in the auditorium at 6:10 and again at 6:40.  When you are done, we invite you to join the PTO out back for an ice cream social until 7:15.  If you have any questions, please call the office.  I'm in and out of meetings all day, so I may not be able to return an e-mail.  I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon!  :) 

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Welcome Back!

    Hello!  I've been working in the classroom and on the blog to get everything all ready for us.  Check out some of the new features on the blog.  I hope you like them.  :)  Hopefully you received your back to school letter from me this week!  We have an exciting new theme this year:

     WE Believe  WE Achieve  WE Celebrate

    I'm looking forward to hearing all about your summer and the new goals you have for yourself. Be sure to think of three goals and complete the worksheet that came in the letter.  You will need this the first day of school so bring it with you!  :)

    Please post a quick hello to everyone below.  Feel free to share something about summer, a feeling you have about starting 5th grade, or even just give us a quick hello!  :)

    Parents - Check out the post below for some school supply deals!
    Hope you see you Wednesday evening at Back to School Night!