Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to School Deals- Updated 8/13

This post is more for our parents, so make sure to let Mom or Dad know.

As the start of school draws near, I know Back to School shopping can get both time consuming and pricy.  Here is a link to our school supply list for the upcoming school year.

As most of the kids know, I love coupons!  It's been a hobby of mine now for a few years, and I follow several coupon blogs.  As I come across deals that I think might help you, I will post them here.  Also, please, if you are out at the store and you find your own great deals, especially on binders, please post them in the comments section of this post to let other parents know.

Last year Target and Walmart sold basic calculators for $1.  Those are fine for what the kids need this year.  Also, please make sure that folders are 3 hole punched so that they fit into the binders.  Thank you, and I hope this helps!  Enjoy the last few weeks of vacation!  :)

New School Supply Deals- Updated 8/13:

  • has deals listed Staples,  and Office Depot.  These deals are good from 8/14-8/20.
  • Jill Cataldo has a pretty complete list of the local school supply deals on her site.  Here's the link.  Scroll down to the part that says "New: School Supply Deals."  Happy deal hunting!  :)  

Hope this helps!  Take care and enjoy your week!  :)

Question of the Week

The question of the week this week comes from H28 and A8.

We know it's still summer but what do you think 5th grade is going to be like? What are you looking forward to MOST in 5th grade?  

As always, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!  :)  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Question of the Week

Hello!  Our question of the week this week comes from J3 and O19. 

Sometimes people do different things in different summers. So how has you're summer been different from last year's summer? How was it different or how was it the same?
List you're answers below.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ok Gamers, I Need Your Help

I just learned about this new site called Clockwords.  The setting of the game reminds me of the book some of you were reading, Clockwork 3.  The site has a really long introduction, but once you get through that, the game is a lot of fun.  I played for quite a while....the only problem is that I really don't understand the game??  I think I was doing fairly well, but I don't understand how you score points.  So, check it out.  Let me know if you like it, and let me know if you figure it out.  :)  Have fun!  :) 

Picnic Fun!

Thank you so much to all of you who were able to pop by the picnic today.  It was so fun to see all of you and catch up.  I certainly enjoyed chatting with you on the picnic blankets, and I hope you all had fun playing at the park.  I look forward to seeing everyone again at the Back to School pool party coming up in August!  :)  Until then, I look forward to keeping in touch with you on the blog.  :) 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Question of the Week

Just recently I had a wonderful day.  I got completely lost in a book and read the whole thing in one day.  That is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.  :)  You can't plan it.  It just happens.  And it's awesome.  :)  So, that brings me to our question of the week:

What have you been reading this summer?

List anything and everything.  List books that were good, or ones that you started that you weren't crazy about.  List novels, comics, websites, manuals, picture books, anything goes.  I'm hoping that you can help each other find some good stuff to read for the rest of the summer.  As you know, you often find the best books from your friends.  :)  Happy posting!  :)  

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Update to our Blog

Just this morning I added a new feature to our blog.  It's called "Follow By E-mail".  If you enter your email address in the box on the right you will be notified whenever there is a new post on our site.  You will get 1 e-mail a day, only if there is new content.  (ie-If I post 5 posts in one day, you will not be bombarded with 5 e-mails.  You will only receive one.)  And of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.  After you submit your e-mail address, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.  Please confirm and then you will begin receiving e-mail updates.  This feature seems like a great way to keep connected with our classroom events.  I hope it's helpful!  :) 

Summer Picnic Time!

This is just a reminder to join us for our Summer Picnic next Wednesday.  Be sure to meet at the designated place and time that was included in your report card. 

In order to maintain Internet safety, I will not be posting the exact place and time on our class blog.  However, if you can't remember where and when to meet send me an email or send me a message on Edmodo and I'll give you the specifics.  :)  Be sure to tell our classmates to join us as well.  Bring your summer WEB book, your book diary and any outdoor equipment you may want to play with.

I'm looking forward to seeing you!  :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Congratulations to M13!

M13 has successfully passed her division fact on!!!!  Way to go!!!!  Soon, you will join the 2 second club.  Congratulations!  :) 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Question of the Week

This week I have the opportunity to share our blog with other classroom teachers, and I need your help.  Please answer the following question of the week:

What do you like best about having a classroom blog?

Think about your experiences during the school year and in the summer.  I can't wait to hear what you have to say!  :)  I hope you all  have a happy and safe 4th of July weekend.