Thursday, December 20, 2012

Feeding our brain over winter break

Winter break is a wonderful time to unwind, relax, and enjoy our family and friends.  It is also important to find our balance and remember to feed our minds as well.  Please help your child by encouraging them to do some of the following activities during the 2 weeks away from school:

  • (every day a student does Xtramath they earn 1 pt extra credit toward their next math test)
  • Study Island- Students have log-in and password information in their binders
  • Word games- Scrabble, Bananagrams, Crosswords, Charades, Boggle, etc.
  • Math games- multiplication/division war, card games, number puzzles
  • If you are traveling or have out of town guests coming in, use this as an opportunity to discuss the states.  Second semester students will need to learn their 50 states and capitals.  Learning this information is much easier if it has relevance to their own lives.
  • Have children write their own thank you notes- Encourage use of the 5 parts of a letter and cursive. Also have them address their own envelopes.  These are skills we've been working on this year.  
  • Most importantly, encourage students to make time to enjoy good books for at least 20 min. each day over break.  
I hope you have a peaceful break filled with love, laughter, and time with one another.  I look forward to starting 2013 with all of you on Monday, January 7th.  

Celebrating the season

Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for putting together a wonderful holiday party for the kids this afternoon.  We had lots of fun playing games, making crafts, laughing, and being together.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your families.  :)

Homefun 12-20-12

Read 20 min.
Math test corrections due tomorrow
Christmas clearinghouse 6-8 - watch weather- if it is not safe to travel, please do not drive to Christmas Clearinghouse tonight

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Homefun 12-19-12

Read 20 min
Christmas Clearing house tonight and tomorrow night 6:00-8:00
Box top collection

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homefun 12/18/12

Read 20
Math Unit 2 Test Form B
Math Unit 2 test tomorrow
Orchestra concert tonight- be here 5:40
Christmas Clearinghouse this week!  
Box top collection Thursday

Monday, December 17, 2012

Homefun 12-17-12

Read 20
Magnetism quiz tomorrow see purple study guide
Math 2-21 HW or Challenge
Math test Wed
Orchestra concert tomorrow night
Christmas Clearinghouse Wed or Thurs.
Art smock
2 volunteers needed for Holiday party on Thurs. (see blog)

Christmas Clearinghouse

Another reminder, the Christmas Clearinghouse is in need of volunteers this Wednesday and Thursday to pack boxes for families in need in Woodstock.  My family and I will be helping out Thursday night from 6:00-8:00.  If it fits into your busy schedules I hope you can join us.  

This project has been part of our 4th grade service project this year.  The students have been researching the Christmas Clearinghouse and they have been promoting the food train here at school.  They are all really excited to get some hands on experience at the warehouse.  :)  Hope to see you there!

Holiday Party

Just a reminder, we are in need of 2 more parents to help run crafts and games at our holiday party this Thursday, December 20th, from 12:45-1:45.  If you are available during this time and you would like to come in, please jot me a note or send me an e-mail.  Or....if you'd can post to this blog post.  Your child can show you how to do this if you'd like.  I'm sure they'd love to be the teacher.  :)  Please post as "John's Mom" or "Suzzi's Dad" so that last names are not on the blog.  Thank you so much!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Homefun 12-14-12

Read 20
Characters worksheet 
Christmas Clearing house Wed and Thurs.
Box tops

Golden Key Club

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members this week!

Club members not pictured: Logan

Winter Party Help Needed

This Thursday, December 20th, from 12:45-1:45 we will be having our classroom winter party.  Two of our parents have graciously volunteered their time to coordinate activities for the kids, however we are in need of 2 more parents to help run crafts and games.  If you are available during this time and you would like to come in, please jot me a note or send me an e-mail.  Or....if you'd can post to this blog post.  Your child can show you how to do this if you'd like.  I'm sure they'd love to be the teacher.  :)  Please post as "John's Mom" or "Suzzi's Dad" so that last names are not on the blog.  Thank you so much!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Homefun 12-13-12

Read 20 min

Grammar packet due tomorrow
Thursday folders
School store tomorrow

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homefun 12-12-12-

Read 20 min.
Grammar due Friday
Math 2-20 HW
Orchestra tomorrow (and after school)
Food train
Recorder slip

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Homefun 12-11-12

Read 20
Math 2-19 HW or Challenge
Grammar packet due Friday
Food train
Recorder form and money
Have new WEB book chosen by tomorrow

Friday, December 7, 2012

Homefun 12-7-12

Read 20
Have new WEB book by Monday
WEB- Practice reading summary aloud over the weekend
WEB- summary and book diary due Monday- also bring a copy of your book or a picture of the cover
IL Portfolio redos due Monday- must have parent signature
Box Tops
Last day to collect for Food Train is Monday
Science E.C. due Monday
Recorder letter

Golden Key 12-7-12

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members for this week.

Key Club members not pictured: Jack, Brenden, Logan, Jeff, and Emma.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Homefun 12-5-12

Read 20
WEB- Revise and Edit Rough Draft- Use guidelines on your yellow sheet
Sp packet due tomorrow
Math 2-13
Science E.C.
Orchestra tomorrow

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WEB Projects

December WEB projects are due Monday, December 10th.  In order to help students manage their time I have suggested the following time-line.  Students should refer to the yellow WEB Summary Guidelines sheet passed out at the beginning of the year.  If you need an extra copy it is located on the right side of the blog under W.E.B. resources.

Mon (yesterday):  Start WEB summary rough draft
Tues (today): Finish WEB summary rough draft
Wed: Revise/edit WEB summary (see guidelines on yellow sheet)
Thurs: Write final copy of WEB summary (cursive and pen or typed)
Fri: Practice reading summary aloud to family members so you are prepared to present.  Practice eye-contact, fluency, projecting your voice, and an appropriate speed.

Homefun 12-4-12

Read 20
Sp. packet due Thurs.
Math 2-11 HW
Science E.C.- What do magnetism and electricity look like?
IL Portfolios due tomorrow
WEB- Finish summary rough draft
Late Start tomorrow
Food for the food train

Magnetism and Electricity

Today we kicked off our magnetism and electricity unit.  The students worked in teams to test the properties of magnetism.  Please see the yellow letter going home today for more information on this unit.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Homefun 12-3-12

Read 20
Start Summary for WEB (2-3 paragraphs)
Sp packet due Thurs
Math 2-10
S.S. Portfolios due Wednesday
Art Smock

Pictorial Input Chart

Below is a picture of the Pictorial Input Chart for the Northeastern Region.  A few students need a copy of this chart to complete their portfolio activities.

Cognitive Content Dictionary

Below is a list of vocabulary words studied during our Illinois Unit.  A few students need these words to complete their portfolio activities:

natural resources

Golden Key Club

Pictured below is our Golden Key Club from last week.  Congratulations!

Key club members not pictured: James and Megan