Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homefun 2-29-12

Read 20
Summary should be done for WEB
Plan out WEB project
Math: 6-6 Prac B
Math Fun Graphing Worksheet- E.C. due tomorrow
Sp due tomorrow
S.S.: Read and take notes on pages 194 –199 (New Ideas, New Colonies)- also answer questions 1&2
Finish "Introduce yourself" survey
Classroom Basket

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homefun 2-28-12

  • Read 20
  • Math 6-5 Prac B
  • S.S. notes questions #1 and 2
  • S.S. worksheet p.45 (Use the words from the word search to fill in the blanks.  You DO NOT have to do the wordsearch.)
  • Spelling packet due Thurs.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Homefun 2-27-12

Read 20
Math 6-4 Prac B
Spelling packet due Thursday
S.S.- Map assignment #1

Friday, February 24, 2012

Homefun 2-24-12

Read 20 min
Make sure you are finished reading your WEB book
Donations for Classroom Basket- NWMS or CMS
$5 for Jump Rope for Heart
Finish your Storybird

Golden Key Club 2-24-12

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club students for the week!  These students worked hard to follow all of the rules and complete all of their homework this week.  Way To Go!

Team Members not pictured: A9, A10, S23

Twin Day!

Happy Twin Day, everyone!  :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


This week we used a new website called  This is an on-line writing tool where students can design, illustrate and write their own books.  Students are then able to publish their books and share them with their classmates.  Students are asked to finish their Storybird and publish it by Friday.  All students have a log-in and password in their assignment notebooks.  This is another paperless tool, which could make for an interesting paperless WEB project for March if students are looking for a new and different idea.

Homefun 2-23-12

Read 20- Finish reading WEB book by tomorrow
6-3 Prac B
S.S.- questions 1&2
Twin Day tomorrow
School store tomorrow
Classroom Basket Donations- NWMS or CMS basket
Thursday folders

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Homefun 2-22-12

  • Read 20- Finish reading WEB book by Friday
  • Math 6-2 Prac B
  • Item to donate for classroom Basket
  • Please bring in all Box Tops tomorrow
  • Twin Day Friday
  • Jump Rope for Heart Donation (please try to bring in at least $5)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fun Fair Classroom Baskets

The Westwood Fun Fair will be on Friday, March 16th.  As in the past, each classroom is asked to donate a themed basket for the Raffle.  This involves having everyone in the class donate items that can be put in the basket.  This year our class will be collecting items for a Creekside Middle School basket.  Mrs. Wagner's class will be collecting items for a Northwood Middle School basket.  You may purchase school specific items for either basket, or you can purchase general items to fill the basket that students might need in middle school.  (ie- pens, highlighters, locker organizers, locker mirrors, a padlock, notebooks, binder, folders, etc.)  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you so much for supporting the Westwood PTO Fun Fair.  :)

Homefun 2-21-12

Read 20- Finish reading WEB book by Friday
Math: 6-1 Prac B
S.S. Notes- Finish Questions 1 and 2
S.S. Worksheet- The Jamestown Colony
Twin Day Friday
$2 for roller skating

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Homefun 2-16-12

Read 20 min. Pass subtraction facts before spring break
Ch. 5 Math Test- sign and return if 69% or lower
Parent teacher conferences Thurs and Friday
No School Friday and Monday

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homefun 2-15-12

Read 30 min.
Reading logs due tomorrow!  :)  210 minutes and parent signature
Grammar Packet due tomorrow
S.S.worksheet p.37
1/2 day tomorrow- 11:00 dismissal
Parent/teacher conferences Thurs. and Fri.
No chorus tomorrow

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Thank you so much to all of our families for making Valentine's Day so special for our students.  The kids all had a great time eating, celebrating, sharing valentines, and watching our movie together.  Thank you so much for all of the party supplies everyone so generously donated.  The party was truly a success.  :) 

The students also had a great time being Secret Valentines this week.  Each student was randomly assigned to be a secret valentine for another student in the classroom.  Their mission was to make that person feel truly amazing without giving them anything.  They couldn't spend any money, make them anything, or give them anything.  They had to make that person feel amazing through acts of kindness and the power of words.  I was blown away today when their names were revealed at how many acts of kindness were shared over this past week.  The kids had a lot of fun making each other shine.  :) 

Homefun 2-14-12

Read 30 (Have 210 minutes by Thurs)
Math Test Form B
Ch. 5 Math test tomorrow
Grammar packet due Thurs.
Conferences Thurs and Friday

Monday, February 13, 2012

Homefun 2-13-12

Read 30 (and a little extra to get 210 by Thurs.) ice cream party tomorrow!
Math Test Form A
Ch. 5 Math Test Wed.
Grammar: Due Thurs.
Bring valentines, valentine container, and item for party for tomorrow

Friday, February 10, 2012

Reading Challenge

Way to go readers!  This week we had 96% of our students turn in their reading logs!  We moved our footballs to the 80 yard line and these students will receive free tickets to a Chicago Slaughter game!  We are starting our last week of the reading challenge.  Due to the shortened week students will need to read a little extra to get to 210 minutes by Thursday (not Friday).  I encouraged the kids to get that extra reading done this weekend before the busy week begins.  Congratulations Cheetahs!  :)

Golden Key Club 2-10-12

Below is a picture of our Golden Key Club members for this week.  Congratulations to these students for following the rules and turning in their work each day this week.  :)

Key Club Members not pictured: A6 and J26

Love to Read Week

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming another fabulous Love to Read Week reader into our classroom, Ms. Burns.  She was kind enough to read The Giving Tree to our students.  We had some great talks about the message of this story.  It was a great culmination to a wonderful week.

Homefun 2-10-12

Read 30- read extra to have 210 minutes by THURSDAY due to the short week Be sure to have your addition facts passed
Make your Valentine's container for Tuesday
Sign up for and get your item to bring to the Valentine's day party

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homefun 2-9-12

Read 30 min
Math: Red- 5-8 Prac B Blue- 4-11 Prac B
Sp test tomorrow
Reading log due tomorrow- 210 min and parent signature
Create Valentine's Day box/bag

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Homefun 2-8-12

Read 30
Math: 5-7 Prac B 
Sp packet due tomorrow
Young Author Stories due tomorrow
Create and bring a Valentine holder for Tuesday
Sign up for an item to bring to the Valentine's Day Party
Post WEB book by Friday
Book Fair tomorrow during LRC

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homefun 2-7

Post new WEB book by Fri
Read 30 Make sure you pass addition facts to be a part of the ice cream party on Valentine's Day
Math: Reteach 5-7  Blue: Challenge 5-7
Sp packet due Thurs.
Young Author Story due Thurs.
Create and design a holder for your Valentines
Conference Notes going home today
Sign up for an item for the Valentine's Day party

Monday, February 6, 2012

Love to Read Week

This week is Love to Read week in District 200, where we have the opportunity to welcome members of our community into our classrooms as they share their love for reading with us.  Today we got to see our friend, Ms. Oliver.  She was kind enough to read The Butter Battle Book to us.  She taught us about the Cold War, the arms race, and most importantly, how to resolve our conflicts peacefully without allowing them escalate.  This morning was truly fascinating.

Homefun 2-6-12

Read 30
Post new WEB book by Fri Ice Cream Party on Valentine's Day- Be sure you have passed your addition facts so that you can have ice cream with us
Math: Red-PS 5-5 Blue-Chal 5-5
Sp. Packet Due Thurs.
Young Authors Story Due Thurs
Sp Bee Tonight- Good Luck M13!
Post any movie titles you'd like to nominate for the Valentine's Day Party
Challenger Essay Due Tomorrow
Be prepared for WEB presentations
Yearbook order forms

We LOVE Movies! :)

Our class voted to watch a movie for our entertainment at the Valentine's Day party next week.  Students, please post below any titles for G rated movies that you own and would be willing to bring in for our class to watch on Tuesday.  Our class will vote on the nominated titles.  Thank you!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Golden Key Club 2-3-12

Congratulations Golden Key Club Members!  Below is a picture of all the students who worked hard to follow the rules and turn in their homework on time each day.  Way to go!  I am so proud of you!


Way to go Westwood Wildcats!  Today we raised awareness for Childhood Cancer by wearing our pajamas to school.  We realize that many children with cancer spend a lot of time in their pajamas.  As a way to show support we wore our pajamas and each brought in at least $1 to donate to this worthy cause.  Together we raised $640.42 for the American Childhood Cancer Organization!  Thank you for all of your support at home.

Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the students below who met the Reading Challenge today!  Each of these students read 210 minutes or more and had their parents sign their reading log.  Way to go!  This week we celebrated our highest turn in percentage- 88%!  We are still hoping to get 100% next week.  Keep up the great reading! :)

Homefun 2-3-12

Read 30
Finish Whales Extended Response
WEB due Monday- book, book diary, summary, project, cue cards (reminder- 5 pts E.C. for paperless projects)
Class list for Valentines coming home today

Thursday, February 2, 2012

3-2-1 Blast Off!

We had an amazing day at the Challenger Learning Center today.  Thank you so much to our parent volunteers and to all of the students for their exceptional behavior, hard work, and team work.  Our mission wasn't easy, but we were successful because of everyone's efforts.  Great job, team!

Homefun 2-2-12

Read 30
Reading Log due Tomorrow- 210 minutes and parent signature
Math: 5-5 Prac B
Grammar packets due tomorrow
PJammin tomorrow- Bring $1 and wear your PJs!  :)
Work on WEB project tonight- All WEB materials due Monday 2/6

PJammin' in tomorrow!

Parents, tomorrow Westwood will be helping the American Childhood Cancer Organization.  Your child is to wear his/her pjs and bring $1 or more to save a life.  We thank you for your help.  We hope to see your children wearing his/her pj's tomorrow.  Thank you!

Written by: S23, A6, B28, and A8

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homefun 2-1-12

Read 30
Plan out your WEB project and gather materials- (5 pts EC if you can make a paperless project)
Grammar packet due Friday
Challenger trip tomorrow- bring a sack lunch
Young Authors final copy of your writing due tomorrow
Bring in $1 for PJammin'