Thursday, March 31, 2011

Listen to Our Reader's Theater! :)

Click below to hear Little Red Writing Hood as performed by Group 2, edited by R17.  Sorry, Group 1.  I thought I brought your file home, too, but I guess it's still at school.  I will post yours after break.  Meanwhile, enjoy the vocal stylings of Group 2.  :) 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Going Green!

The numbers are in.......this week our class used a grand total of 297 sheets of paper!!!!  This is a 78% reduction in our total paper use in just 3 weeks!!!!!  Through some tremendous problem solving and great decision making the kids are truly making a difference. 

This morning the kids did some tough problem solving, and learned that if we hadn't made any changes in our behavior we would have used approximately 47,844 sheets of paper by the end of the year.  That would result in cutting down almost 6 trees, just for our class alone.  We took those numbers even farther, and looked at the whole school.  We learned that as a school we might be using close to 765,504 sheets of paper a year, which would result in cutting down 91 trees

During our Be The First presentations these last two days we heard a lot about how many jobs are trying to make the world a healthier and greener place to live.  It was so great to see the connection between what we are trying to accomplish in class and the difference adults are making in the job market every day.  The students are in the process of writing letters to local organizations to try to get additional ideas, resources, and information to help us reach our goal of becoming a 95% paper free classroom. 

Jingle Your Pockets for Japan- One Day Fundraiser

Today we had a one day fundraiser for the victims of the tsunami in Japan.  As a school, in just one day, we collected $487.62.  Thank you so much for all of your generosity.  The families of Westwood are truly making a difference all over the world. 

Nerd Day!

Happy Nerd Day! 

Career Dress Up Day!

Yesterday was Career dress up day!  Check out some of the great costumes the kids came up with!  We had teachers, businessmen, a pilot, a dance choreographer, an acress, a fashion designer, salespeople, a tile setter, people in the technology field, and many others!  Thank you to all of the relatives who were able to come out and share your career with the 4th graders.  We had a wonderful time making connections between what we learn here every day and careers in the real world.  Thank you!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jingle Your Pockets for Japan- One Day Fundraiser

Please help Westwood to assist Japan's earthquake and Tsunami survivors.  Bring in any loose change or bills Friday for a one-time/one day donation from our students and staff.  All money will be delivered to the American Red Cross from our school.  Thanks for your contributions as we try to support those in need across the globe as an act of service. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This week in math we worked on refreshing our knowledge of fractions.  We used this link to help us see that when the denominator gets bigger, the pieces get smaller.  Then we used this link to test our fraction knowledge.  Have fun exploring!  :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thursday is Career Dress Up Day!

This Thursday, March 24th, the fourth graders are having Career Dress Up Day!  Thursday and Friday we are having parents and community members come in and talk to the kids about their careers.  To help celebrate the Be The First program the students are encouraged to dress up like the career they are researching.  Pictures will be taken and displayed at our presentation at McHenry County College in April. will you dress up?  Post your idea here.  I can't wait to see all of the creative costumes on Thursday!  :) 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Connections to the Southeast

This week we started learning about the Southeastern region.  Many students made some great real world connections.  We would love to hear what you've learned about the Southeast region through your travels or experiences with these states. 

4th Graders Making a Difference

Well.....we set a lofty goal this week.  Two weeks ago our class used 1,329 pieces of paper in a single week.  Our class set out to reduce our paper use last week to only 600 sheets of paper.  After some number crunching we determined that that was approximately only 4 sheets of paper per student per day.  We knew this wasn't going to be easy.  However, anyone who knows kids, knows that they can do anything they put their mind to.  This spirit and some creative problem solving resulted in a grand total that we were all very proud of.  Last week our class only used.......576 sheets of paper.  However, we are not done yet.  After some reflection and analysis of our behaviors we realized that there are still some things we can do to make our total go down.  We have continued to raise the bar.  Our new goal is to only use 530 sheets of paper this week.  Wish us luck, and thank you for your support at home!  :) 

Northeastern Region

Last week we learned about the states in the Northeastern Region.  The students were put in groups to become experts about a certain topic of life in the Northeastern Region.  Each group researched their topic and compiled their information.  We all took notes while they presented.  Students are expected to keep these notes in their folder so that they can use them on the test that will cover all of the regions.  If students lose their notes they may come here and recopy the notes.  Remember, hang on to those notes until the test at the end of the unit that will cover all of the regions. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

States and Capitals

Watch this video to help you learn about your states and capitals. 

US Geography (State and Capitals)
More social studies videos on Geography at  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fun Fair!

It was so great to see all of you at the Fun Fair tonight!  I hope you had fun.  :)  The bouncy house room was definitely a favorite for my kiddos.  I think my favorite part was seeing all of you having fun with your families and friends.  How about you guys?  What was your favorite part of the Fun Fair? 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Variety Show

It’s that time of year again!  Westwood is making preparations for the Variety Show!  All students interested in participating in the Variety Show will need to create a solo or group act that is well rehearsed BEFORE the audition!  Acts can be between 2-4 minutes long, and each act must fill out an Audition Info Sheet which will be turned in separately from their permission slips.   Students may pick up the forms needed in the music room, or you may click on the following links to find the forms that you need to participate.  Forms must be returned my Monday, March 21st and auditions are Wednesday, March 23rd.  Have fun!  :)  

Monday, March 14, 2011

So, How Much Paper Do We Use?

The tallies are a class we used a total of 1,329 sheets of paper last week alone.  As a class we have decided to try to reduce the amount of paper we use this week.  We are going to:
1. Do more of our work on whiteboards.
2. Don't take more paper then we need.
3. Use the back of paper.
4. Try to use the blog for homework or class assignments.
5. Use Google Docs more often.
6. Use recycled paper.
7. Use your paper space wisely


1. Please read the fairytale in your group to activate your background knowledge on fairytales.
2. When you are done, create a comment to this post.
3.  Type the title of your fairytale at the top.  Work as a group to create a sequence chain of the 6 important events from your fairytale.
4.  Sign all of your blog names to the comment.  Remember to proofread for correct spelling and grammar.

If you finish early click on the link below to listen to more fairytales.  


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Study Island

Today we started a new program called Study Island.  This is a website where students can enhance their reading skills.  Students took a pre-test in the computer lab today.  They were each given their individual user names and passwords that they taped to the first page of their assignment notebooks.  Students can access this program from school or from home.  I hope you and your child have fun exploring this program together. 

Paper, Paper, Everywhere....

Click on the link below to answer the following question.

Where are we using the most paper in our classroom?  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Parent Volunteers Needed for Be The First

This month we are kicking off Be The First in 4th grade.  Students will be taking an interest survey in school to find out more information about their likes and dislikes.  Upon completion, the survey results will suggest different careers that our students might find interesting.  Students will then research their career further in hopes of helping them set goals for themselves and their future.  On Thursday, March 24th and Friday, March 25th between 12:15-1:15 we need you.  We are looking for volunteers to come to Westwood to share information about their careers for 5-10 minutes.  If you or a family friend or relative are able to help please fill out the form that went home with your child and return it to school by this Friday.  Thank you in advance for your help.  :) 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Long Division

We have been working on learning how to do long division in class.  To help remember the steps just remember:
Does (Divide)
McDonald's (Multiply)
Serve (Subtract)
Cheeseburgers (Carry Down)

Click on the link below to see a video that will explain how to do long division.  :) 

Long Division Video

Class Book Ideas

We are getting ready to start our class book.  Please post ideas for our book in the comments section.  :) 


Today Dylan gave a presentation on Pentominoes for his WEB book poster project. Below is the link to the on-line pentominoes game that he suggested in his presentation. Have fun! 

Pentominoes Game

Friday, March 4, 2011

Complex Sentences

Below is the Prezi we used in class to learn about complex sentences.  Use it to help you as you do your grammar packet this week.


This week the students were expected to do for homework.  Thank you so much for your support at home with this.  It was too cumbersome to try to get all of the students through here at school while ISAT tests were going on.  Now that ISATs are over, we are going to try something new.  At this point the students are expected to do xtramath each day, Monday through Friday.  The students may choose if they would like to do it at home or at school.  My hope is that the students will begin to think about their schedules outside of school and begin managing their time.  This is an important skill that will be important next year in fifth grade.  I will continue to grant students 1 extra credit point for any day they do xtramath that we do not have school.   Thank you for your support with our new format!  I hope it works for your child and your family. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March WEB Projects- Due Monday

Students' WEB projects are due Monday, March 7th.  Below is the time line students were given in class:
Monday 2/28- summary rough draft
Tuesday 3/1- summary final draft
Wednesday 3/2- poster rough sketch (see handout for guidelines)
Thursday 3/3- complete poster
Friday, Saturday, Sunday- practice your presentation

Paperless classroom??

N1 posted this question:

"Can we try to make the class 99% paperless?  Like can we do homework on the computer?  Isn't using so much energy by doing all the stuff on the computer."

So, what do you guys think?  Should we try this?  What are your ideas for reducing the amount of paper we use in the classroom? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


April WEB books will be due April 11th.  This date is different than the turn in date that was announced at the beginning of the year on the WEB handout.  With the new turn in date students will be expected to finish reading their WEB book by the end of spring break.  Then they can do the summary and project the week we get back.  We are going to try to something new for book choice this month.  To be a little more green, please have your child click on the link and record the title and genre of their new book choice on the Google doc.  Thank you for your help! 
Book Choice