Monday, March 31, 2014

Homefun 3-31-14

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Sp packet due Thursday

Sp test Friday

PARCC pilot test tomorrow

Bring headphones/earbuds if you have them

Friday, March 21, 2014


Throughout the state of Illinois students in grades 3 through 11 are participating in a pilot of the PARCC assessments which will be implemented in the 2014-15 school year.  At Westwood, students in Mrs. Sauber's and Mrs.Wagner's classes have been selected to participate in a pilot of the PARCC English Language Arts assessment. These students will work with their teachers for 3 testing sessions that week after spring break. Each session will last between 1-2 hours. As a district we will gather information about the assessment content and protocols for administering the test. 

Homefun 3/21/14

Read 20 each day
Practice math facts over break
Continue reading WEB book
Sign and Return report card envelope

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Homefun 3-20-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Grammar Packets Due tomorrow
Finish class book rough draft
School store tomorrow

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homefun 3-19-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Grammar packets due Friday
Box Tops due tomorrow

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Homefun 3/18/14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Grammar packets due Friday
Celebrity Breakfast tomorrow morning

Friday, March 14, 2014

Homefun 3-14-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Fun Fair tonight!  5:30-8:00!  See you there!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Homefun 3-13-14

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Sp test tomorrow

Fun fair tomorrow

Group photos for picture day tomorrow

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Homefun 3-12-14

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Sp packet due tomorrow

Sp test Friday

Chess club

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

News Report 3-11-14

Homefun 3-11-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Sp packet due Thurs
Sp test Friday
fun fair tickets
fun fair Friday
ISATs for 4th grade tomorrow

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homefun 3-10-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Sp packet due Thurs
Sp test Friday
Fun fair tickets
Fun fair Friday

Remember the Titans

Our 5th graders will have the opportunity to watch Remember the Titans this week while our 4th graders take 2 additional ISAT tests.  They will be discussing how this movie applies to their lives today, leadership, and their role as leaders in the Westwood community between now and the end of the year.  This movie is rated PG.  A letter went home Friday describing its rating in more detail.  If you do NOT wish for your child to view this movie, please write me a note or send me an e-mail before Wednesday.  Thank you!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Shining Star 3-7-14

Congratulations to our Shining Star team for this week!  Remember to log into your child's dojo account to see all of the wonderful things he or she has done this week as well!  

Homefun 3-7-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
ISATs next week
Fun fair tickets
Spring your clocks forward this weekend

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Homefun 3-6-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
School store tomorrow
Thursday folder
You can now purchase your fun fair tickets
April WEB contract due tomorrow

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Homefun 3-5-14

Read 20 min.
April Novel Contract due Friday
Xtramath 3 times per week
Finish brainstorming a problem and an invention that could solve that problem
School store Friday
Chess Club tomorrow
ISATs tomorrow
Fun fair tickets
Fun fair basket

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Homefun 3-4-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
ISATs tomorrow 
Choose your last WEB book by Friday

Monday, March 3, 2014

Homefun 3-3-14

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
ISATs tomorrow 
Choose your last WEB book by Friday