Thursday, December 19, 2013

Homefun 12-19-13

Read 20 min
Xtramath 3 times per week
11:00 dismissal tomorrow 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Homefun 12-18-13

Read 20 min
Xtramath 3 times per week
Grammar pkts due tomorrow
Christmas clearinghouse tonight

Winter party tomorrow- remember Secret Santa gift and food donations 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Homefun 12-17-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Grammar packets due Thurs
Work on Secret Santa gift- Due Thursday
Coins for the coin drive- Due tomorrow
Orchestra concert tonight- Be here between 5:30-5:40
See Winter Party letter for food donations 
No chorus tomorrow
Finish snowflakes for decoration committee

Monday, December 16, 2013

Secret Santa Gift Ideas

For our Winter Party this Thursday, our Top Secret committee planned a Secret Santa activity for the class.  Each student needs to make 1 homemade gift for their Secret Santa.  We know it might be tough to come up with an idea, so below are some ideas the committee brainstormed to help you get started.

bracelet (friendship, rubberband, paracord, duct tape)
Wordle (
clay sculpture or ornament
paint/draw a picture
paint/decorate a flowerpot
make a CD
make a pet rock
photo album
key chain
finger knitting (scarf, bracelet, etc.)
duct tape (wallet, pen, etc.)

All gifts should be homemade.  This is a great opportunity to share our talents/gifts with one another.  Have fun  and be creative!  I can't wait to see what everyone creates!

Homefun 12-16-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Grammar pkts due Thurs
Work on Secret Santa gift- Due Thurs.
Coins for the coin drive- Due Wed.
No band tomorrow
See Winter Party letter
Orchestra concert tomorrow night- Be here at 5:40 pm
Christmas Clearinghouse Wed. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Shining stars for 12-13-13

Homefun 12-13-13

Read 20 min.
Xtramath 3 times per week
After school orchestra on Monday

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homefun 12-12-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
Sp test tomorrow
Student Treasures Kits are due tomorrow
socks, coins, and food

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Homefun 12-11-13

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Chess club tomorrow

Sp packet due tomorrow

Band and chorus concert tonight- be here 5:40

Sp test Friday

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Homefun 12-10-13

Read 20
Xtramath 3 times per week
WEB contract due tomorrow
Sp packet due Thurs 
Sp test Fri
After school chorus tomorrow
Band and chorus concert tomorrow night

Friday, December 6, 2013

Homefun 12-6-13

Read 20 min.
Xtramath 3 times per week
WEB due Monday- practice presentation over the weekend
New WEB contract due Wednesday
PTO family dance tonight
Coins for Tornado Victims
Socks for Mistletoes
or Food for Food Train
Box tops

Shining Star Team for 12-6-13

Thursday, December 5, 2013

WWE Mrs. Sauber's Class TV

Homefun 12-5-13

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

WEB due Monday

Have a book in your binder for RTI

Box Tops collection date, next Thursday, December 19th

School store tomorrow

PTO family dance tomorrow night 

Thursday folders

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Homefun 12-4-13

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Grammar packets due Friday 

WEB due Monday

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homefun 12-2-13

Read 20

Xtramath 3 times per week

Grammar packet due Friday

WEB due next Monday 12/9- see packet for details

PTO Family Dance and Craft night

The PTO is in need of volunteers for this Friday's Westwood Family Dance and Craft night.  If you are able to help please contact our PTO volunteer coordinator, Anne Bierman, at,  Thank you!