Monday, May 20, 2013

Homefun 5-17-13

Read 30 min
Ice Cream Social 6:00-7:30 pm tonight
Bring a bag and a rag tomorrow

Friday, May 17, 2013

Homefun 5-17-13

Read 20 min
Finish S.S. project- check rubric
RSVP for Jack's party

Field Day

The kids had a wonderful time at Field Day yesterday!  Here are just a few pictures of the festivities.  :)

Golden Key Club 5-17-13

Here is our Golden Key Club for this week.  They all did a fantastic job following the rules of the classroom and completing their work on time all week.  Congratulations!

Club members not pictured: Jack

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Homefun 5-16-13

Read 20
Math Practice Test Evens
Unit 4 Math Test tomorrow
Keep Thursday folders at home :)
RSVP Jackson

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ac Rock

Today we enjoyed a performance presented by Ac Rock (an a capella rock group).  You can visit their site at to see pictures from today.  If you wish to purchase a CD, they will donate 20% of the profits back to our school.

Homefun 5-15-13

Read 20
Math Practice Test- odds
Math test Friday
Field Day tomorrow- Wear purple
Cover your shoulders, wear sunscreen, hat, bring water bottle (label with name)
Return Slip, Slop, Slap form to Nurse 
Please RSVP to Jack's family- see assignment notebook
Last Box Tops collection tomorrow

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Homefun 5-14-13

Read 20 min.
Math 4-8 HW
Box Tops
Field Day Thursday- Wear purple

Monday, May 13, 2013

Golden Key Club 5-10-13

Below is the Golden Key Club for this week.  Congratulations to our members for following the rules in class and completing there homework on time each day.

Club Members not pictured:  Eddie

Homefun 5-13-13

Read 20 min
Math 4-7 HW
Box Tops
Practice "March of the Recorders" for green belt test

Friday, May 10, 2013

You are Invited.....

Jack's family has graciously invited everyone in our class to celebrate his birthday on Sunday, May 19th from 2:00 pm to 5 or 6:00 pm.  Please R.S.V.P. to the phone number in your child's assignment notebook.  Thank you!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Orchestra Concert

Congratulations to our orchestra students for a job well done on the concert they performed during the day today.  For tonight's concert, students should arrive at Olson at 5:30 pm.  The concert will begin at 6:00.  Good luck!!

Wonderful News!!!

Westwood Elementary won the Behr Recycling contest!!!  Behr Recycling has awarded Westwood Elementary School $1,000 for turning in 659 pounds of aluminum!  Way to go Westwood Wildcats!!!  Mr. Ross has announced that this money will be used to purchase 2 additional iPads for our building!  What a great way to take care of the earth and our school!  Thank you so much for all of your participation!

Homefun 5-9-13

Read 20
Math 4-6 HW
6:00 pm District Orchestra Concert- arrive at 5:30 at Olson
Slip, Slop, Slap form
Box tops
Thursday folders
Wide World of Wonder tomorrow- Dress appropriately

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Homefun 5-8-13

Read 20
Math 4-5 HW
Orchestra tomorrow- bring instrument
Recorders and gym shoes

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thank you

Thank you so much for all of the beautiful flowers the kids brought in today.  I love how unique they all are, but yet how well they complement each other when they are put together, just like our class.  I have truly enjoyed watching each one of your children grow this year.  Thank you so much for sharing them with me this year.  

Homefun 5-7-13

Read 20 min.
Math 4-3 HW
Box Tops

Monday, May 6, 2013


As of today, charges will no longer be allowed on breakfast/lunch orders.  Students must have money in their account if they are going to order.  I hope this heads up helps as we head into the end of the year.  :)

Homefun 5-6-13

Read 20 min
Math- long division worksheet
Box tops

Friday, May 3, 2013

Homefun 5-3-13

Read 20 min.
All Aluminum Cans due to Behr by tomorrow for the contest for $1,000 for our school
Box tops
Recorders and gym shoes Monday

Golden Key Club for May 3, 2013

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members for this week.  They did a great job following the rules in the classroom and turning their work in on time.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Homefun 5-2-13

Read 20 min.
4-2 HW
Cultural Show tomorrow 12:30
Book swap books due tomorrow
Aluminum Cans
Box Tops
Last school store tomorrow
Practice "Go To Sleep"
Thursday folders

Class Awards

As we head toward the end of the year it is time to celebrate some of our accomplishments this year.  Mrs. Sauber's students only, please click on the link below to nominate your peers for our class awards for this year.