Friday, March 22, 2013

Homefun 3-22-13

Read 20 min. every day
Each day you do Xtramath is worth 1 pt. E.C.
S.S. E.C.
Sign report card envelope and return Monday

Golden Key Club 3-22-13

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members for this week.

Club members not pictured: Logan, Trey, Mya, and James

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Learning our States and Capitals

Below is a video we've been watching in class to help us learn our states and capitals.  Students who memorize the song and perform it in class will get 10 pts E.C. on their next social studies test.  Good luck!

Home fun 3-21-13

Read 20
Math 5-16 hw
Library books tomorrow

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Homefun 3-20-13

Read 20
Math 5-15 HW
Grammar packets due tomorrow
Finish Mother Nature Persuasive essay for tomorrow
Orchestra tomorrow
After school orchestra also tomorrow
Spring picture money
Box tops turn in tomorrow

Art Discovery

Today our students were fortunate enough to have an Art Discovery lesson where they learned about op-art, or optical illusions in art.  To see some of the amazing art work they learned about, click here.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Homefun 3-19-13

Read 20
Math Dad's worksheet Hw OR Challenge
Grammar due Thursday
Spring pictures

Monday, March 18, 2013

Battle of the Books

Congratulations to our 2 Battle of the Books teams, Roaring Thunder and Lightning Strikers.  They will be 2 of the 4 teams in the final Westwood Battle of the Books battle.   Way to go!  (Jason and Emma not pictured)

Young Authors

Congratulations to our Westwood Young Author's representative!!!  He will have the opportunity to attend the state Young Author's conference this spring.  We are so proud of him!!

Homefun 3-18-13

Read 20
Grammar packet due THURSDAY
Math 5-14 HW
Sp test sign and returns
11:00 dismissal tomorrow

Friday, March 15, 2013

Homefun 3-15-13

Read 20
Fun Fair 5:30-8:00
Math 5-12 HW
Finish Hero rough draft- revise, edit, and fit to 1 page

Golden Key Club for 3/15/13

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members for this week.  They did a nice job completing their assignments, turning them in on time, and following our class rules.


Fraction Support

We have been exploring fractions in class these past weeks.  Below are links to two on-line fraction activities to help you child practice these concepts at home.  I hope they are helpful!

Fraction Matcher 2 

Equivalent Fractions

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homefun 3-14-13

Read 20
Spelling test tomorrow
Thursday folders
Math 5-11
Library books
Finish Hero writing rough draft
Fun Fair tomorrow

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homefun 3-12-13

Read 20
Spelling packet due Thursday 
Math 5-10 Evens only

Monday, March 11, 2013

Homefun 3-11-13

Read 20 min
Spelling packet due Thursday 
Math 5-9 HW
Finish interview or research for Hero essay
RSVP for Aidan's birthday 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Homefun 3/1/13

Read 20
Science E.C. due 3/8
WEB due Mon- book diary, summary, cue cards, diorama, your book, and your rubric
ISATs Mon- #2 pencils, plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, bring glasses if needed
Prepare to do your best on the test on Monday!
Box Tops
Arts and Crafts materials

The Fun Fair is Coming!

The Fun Fair is coming to Westwood on March 15th!  Our class is putting together an Arts and Crafts basket to be raffled off at the Fun Fair.  This weekend, while you're out at the store, please pick up 1 or 2 items to add to our basket.  Some items the students brainstormed to include in the basket are:

paint, brushes, markers, crayons, colored pencils, scratch art, foam sheets, scrapbook paper, fun shaped scissors, beads, craft kits, glitter, glue, stickers

Thank you so much for the families who've already donated items.  Our basket is beginning to take shape!  

Golden Key Club

Below is our Golden Key Club for the week.  Congratulations to these students for following the rules and turning in their assignments on time each day!

Simple Machines Extra Credit

For 10 points of science extra credit, you may go to the website below and follow the directions on the blue sheet that is coming home today.  All extra credit is due next Friday, March 8th.