Thursday, February 28, 2013

Homefun 2-28-13

Read 20
WEB- Construct diorama
Sp test tomorrow
Math 5-6 HW or Challenge
LIbrary books due tomorrow
Thursday folder
Box tops
Arts and crafts materials for class basket

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Homefun 2-27-13

Read 20 min.
Final copy of WEB summary
Final copy of fiction story (cursive, pen, looseleaf)
Sp packet due tomorrow
Math 5-5 HW
Finish science packet
Orchestra tomorrow
Arts and Crafts materials
Box tops

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Homefun 2-26-13

Read 20 min.
WEB- Finish summary rough draft and revise/edit
Math 5-3 HW or Challenge
Sp packet due Thurs
Science packet p.64
Arts and Crafts donations

Monday, February 25, 2013

Homefun 2-25-13

Read 20
Save reading rubric- turn in Mon. with project
Write 1st 3 paragraphs of WEB summary
Sp packet due Thurs
Math Tadpoles worksheet
Arts and crafts materials for class basket
Math test corrections

March WEB Projects

Our next WEB projects are due a week from today.  Below is the suggested schedule to help students pace themselves.  Hopefully this will help your child learn how to manage long-term projects while also reducing the stress on both your child and the family.

Mon: Write/type 3 paragraphs of your summary rough draft- Use the summary guidelines
Tues: Write/type the last 2 paragraphs of your summary rough draft and revise/edit- Use the summary guidelines
Wed: Write/type the final copy of the summary- Check it with the summary guidelines
Thurs: Build your diorama- use the rubric that went home Mon. to guide you
Fri: Write your cue cards and practice, practice, practice your presentation over the weekend (3-5 min.)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Homefun 2-22-13

Read 20 min.
Finish reading WEB book
Gather items for diorama

Golden Key 2-22-13

Congratulations to our Golden Key members for the week!

Team members missing from picture: Alex and Trey

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fun Fair Baskets

The Fun Fair is coming to Westwood soon!  Each classroom is asked to put together a classroom basket which will be raffled off at the Fun Fair on March 15th.  This year our students chose to create an Arts and Crafts themed basket.  Some items they brainstormed to include in the basket are:

markers/crayons/colored pencils
scratch art
foam sheets
scrapbook paper
fun shaped scissors
craft kits
glitter glue

Please consider picking up one or two of these items for our classroom basket. All items should be new.  Thank you for your support!

Engineering our way through Simple Machines

Today our students put their knowledge of levers to the test.  Students worked in teams to build a complex machine that contained a lever.  After construction, students were asked to identify the lever, fulcrum, effort, and load.  Lots of fun and learning were had by all.  :)

Homefun 2-21-13

Read 20
Finish reading WEB book by tomorrow
Grammar packet due tomorrow
Math Unit C Test Form A
Math Unit C test tomorrow
Science packet p. 62
Finish Fiction revising
Thursday folders
Library books 
Pajamas and $1 for PJammin' tomorrow 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Homefun 2-20-13

Read 20
Math C-5 HW or Chall
PJammin' Friday- Bring in $1 or more and wear PJs on Friday
Grammar packet due Friday
Math test Friday
Fiction story rough draft due tomorrow
Orchestra tomorrow and After school orchestra tomorrow
Science packet p. 54-61
Box tops

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Homefun 2-19-13

Read 20
Finish Reading Extended Response
Grammar packet due Friday
Math C-4 HW/Chall
Finish reading WEB book by Fri
PJammin' Fri- Bring $1
Fiction rough draft due Thurs.
Simple Machines packet- Finish p. 54-59

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Homefun 2-14-13

Read 20 min. each day
Finish reading WEB book by Friday, Feb. 22nd
Xtramath- Each day over break is worth 1 pt E.C.
Young Author Books due Tuesday
No school Friday and Monday
$1 for PJammin'

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Homefun 2-13-13

Read 20
11:00 dismissal tomorrow
Math C-3 HW or Challenge
Valentine Container
$1 for PJammin'

Art is Delicious!

Our students had a wonderful time in Art Discovery today.  Look for your child's delectable creation in the hallway outside our room when you come to conferences this week.  Below is the link to today's Prezi presentation.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Homefun 2/12/13

Read 20 min.
Math C-2 HW or Chall
$1 for PJammin'
Valentine's Day Container
Science test corrections

Monday, February 11, 2013

Homefun 2/11/13

Read 20
Math worksheet
Young Authors due 2/19
Art Smock

Friday, February 8, 2013

Science Portfolio Assistance

Science portfolios are due Monday.  Some students needed the information below to finish their portfolios.

Ten CCD Words:
attract, repel, induced, temporary magnet, circuit, open circuit, closed circuit, procedure, conductor, and insulator,

Content/Inquiry Chart:

Homefun 2/8/13

Read 20 min.
Finish science portfolio
Skating Monday
Box Tops
Bring recorders Monday
Create a Valentine container

Love to Read Week

This week we welcomed guests from the community into our classroom so that they could share their love of reading with us.  One of our special guests was Ms. Joan Oliver, from the Northwest Herald.  She shared a wonderful story with us about the importance of being kind and honest.  We also had a wonderful opportunity to learn about the newspaper industry.  We are so grateful that she was able to come share her love for reading and writing with our classroom.  Ms. Oliver writes a column on Wednesdays in the Herald.  This week she dedicated her column to her experience here at Westwood.

Golden Key 2-8-13

Congratulations to our Golden Key Club members this week!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homefun 2-6-13

Read 30 min
Sp packet due tomorrow
Orchestra tomorrow (in school and after school)
Family Reading Night Tomorrow 6:30-7:30 (Book fair open before and after)
Math Test Corrections
Science test tomorrow

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Homefun 2/5/13

Read 30
Sp packet due Thursday
Science test Thursday
Jump Rope for Heart Thursday
Late Start tomorrow

Monday, February 4, 2013

Homefun 2-4-13

Read 30
Reading challenge reading log
Sp packet due Thurs
Math test tomorrow
Math test form  A
Art smock
conference slip

Friday, February 1, 2013

Golden Key

Congratulations to our Golden key Club members for this week.  These students did an outstanding job turning in their homework on time and following the rules in class.

Sad News

Unfortunately, I wanted to pass along to you that Ms. Schmarje's mother passed away this week.  I know many of our students had Ms. Schmarje as their teacher, and that her mother was a distinguished guest in her classroom several times.  Please keep her family in your thoughts.

Homefun 2-1-13

Read 90 min
Reading challenge log
Math 3-13 HW or Challenge
Rollerskating Monday
WEB due Monday- book diary, summary, cue cards
Practice presentation over the weekend 2-4 min.
Ch. 3 math test Tuesday
Choose new WEB book by Monday
Finish SImile and Metaphor illustration