Monday, May 21, 2012

Homefun 5-21-12

Read 20
Bag and a rag
Yearbooks for signing tomorrow
Return all borrowed books and lit circle books

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Homefun 5-16-12

Read 20
Sport shirt day tomorrow
Be sure to have a book in your binder for tomorrow
Lit Circle Day 5
Please keep your Thursday folder at home
If you are in the talent show, be here at 6:00 pm tonight

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Homefun 5-16-12

Read 20
Wordle Words- 4-5 per student, including yourself
Variety show tomorrow- bring all supplies to school
Final copy of appreciation letter
Day 4 Lit Circles
Math 10-5
Middle school presentations here at WWE- be prepared to ask questions
Sports shirt day Friday

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Homefun 5-15-12

Read 20
5th grade Wordle- describing words 4-5 words per person, including yourself
Band and Chorus Concert Tonight Be Here between 5:30-5:40
Finish Lit Circles Day 3

Monday, May 14, 2012

Homefun 5-12-12

Read 20 min.
Finish Lit Circles Day 2
Sport shirt day Friday
Finish appreciation rough draft
Battle of the Books Final Skyped Battle with Dean St. School 4:00 today!  Good luck Flashing Lightning!
Registration packets
Seussical try outs- see handout going home today
Beethoven project

Friday, May 11, 2012

Homefun for 5-11-12

Read 20
Lit Circles Day 1- Read, post your question, post a reply to each question

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homefun 5-10-12

Read 20
Math: 10-4
Finish 2 thank you notes
Field trip tomorrow- no money- you may bring your own skates, helmets, pads, water bottle
Remember Book Swap Books for tomorrow

Literature Circles

Click on the link below to list your top 3 choices (paperlessly) for your next literature circle book.

Animal Shelter Drive

Girls on the Run is asking for our help to donate items to the Helping Paws animal shelter.  Items will be picked up Monday, May 14th.  They are in need of:

3M Scotch-Brite heavy duty sponges
Arm & Hammer Cat litter deodorizer
Litter (clay or clumping)
Brooms with dustpans/dustpan sets
Playtex Rubber Gloves (M/L)
Distilled water
Dog Toys (Kongs only)
Electric Heating pads
Feliway spray
Kitten formula (KMR or Hartz)
Leather dog leashes
Cat toys
Cotton balls
Paper towels
Small clipboards (6x9)
Tall Drawstring Ktich Bags- 13 gallons
Used bath towels
Ziplock sandwich bags (6 1/2 x 5 7/8) and (10 9/16 x 9 5/8 x 2 3/4)
Friskies canned cat food-loafed/pat style (not shredded with gravy)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Homework 5-9-12

Read 20
S.S. test tomorrow

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Big Honor For Our Class

Remember, tonight our entire class is being honored at the school board meeting.  This is a big honor for our students.  Please make time in your busy schedules to attend the board meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at Clay School.  Students are welcome to leave right after the recognition.  Thank you so much for your support.  I look forward to seeing you all there!

Homefun 5-7-12

Read 20 min
Math 10-3
Dress for Field Day tomorrow: wear orange, extra shoes/socks, Slip, Slop, Slap, and water bottle
Board meeting recognition tonight 7:00pm 
Nurse K Thank you cards due tomorrow
S.S. Test due Thurs.
Wide World of Wonder Scrapbook page due tomorrow
Late Start Tomorrow

Monday, May 7, 2012

Homefun 5-7-12

Read 20
Board meeting Tues. 7:00 pm Clay St. School- Hope to see you all there! :)
Band tomorrow
Field Day Wed
S.S. Test Thurs.
Choral concert tonight- Be at WHS at 6:30pm

Class Awards

It's that time of the year!  As the school year draws to a close, it is time to nominate our classmates for the End of the Year class awards.  Please click on the link below to complete your nominations.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Homefun 5-3-12

Read 20 min
Chorus Festival Mon.- Wear shirt to concert Mon. night
Registration packets

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tech 2012

It has been a wonderful day at Tech 2012! 

Our Class to be Recognized at the Next School Board Meeting

The Woodstock School District #200 school board would like to congratulate our class on being selected as presenters at the Tech 2012 conference.  All of the students have worked so hard to prepare for the Tech 2012 conference.  Our class will be recognized and representatives from our room will be asked to accept the Board's congratulations on Tuesday, May 8th at 7:00pm at the Clay Professional Development Center at 112 Grove St. in Woodstock.  I hope all of you can make it for this very special recognition.

Today is the day the three chosen people go to TECH 2012! The people are A24, D7, and R16. These people are going to Tech 2012 in Springfield to tell the legislators of Illinois about our classroom's technology and how it changed our classroom.  Our class' technology are the Elmo, Mimio, projector, computers, the minis, and many websites that we have used to try to reduce the amount of paper we use. This is the day that can go down in Westwood history so hope for the best!

Written by B21 and T13

Click here for a link to our school's technology story, written by A10 and M12.  :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Thank you for all of your hard work and support during our aluminum can drive.  Unfortunately, our school was 10 lbs short of 1st place, however.....Behr recycling center was so overwhelmed by Westwood's hard work, enthusiasm, and spirit, that they granted us the $1,000 prize as well!!!  This money will go toward improving technology at Westwood.  Thank you so much for all of your support!!!

Homefun 5-1-12

Read 20
Lit circles- Finish Day 10 reading
Sp packet Due Thurs.
S.S.- Finish Diary Entry #2
Registration packets 

Our Class in the Northwest Herald Today!

We are working very hard to get ready for tech 2012. We have been divided into comittees and each comittee has their own important job like making the presentation or making blog posts. The presenters are anxious and nervous because it's a very big thing. We have to try and do a good job on this because this represents our school. 

We are also in the newspaper!!!! Click here to see the article that was in the paper today!  

Written by 
N1 and J5